Tuesday, December 28, 2010


There are a handful of people that fall in a category of people I may just never have known or bonded with so deeply had we not been to many many many years of school together. One of those people is PAIGE CLARKE!

But how lucky I am to have known and bonded so deeply with Paige becuase she is one incredible individual!

She is always

Hard working
Running (FAST!)
Playing (WELL- basketball, track, athletic anything, you name it. She won the athlete award of highest athleticness our 8th grade year)
Trying (take volleyball-she wasn't necessarily a vball player, but she tried out anyway!)
Winning (always!)
Eating (I have such fond memories of Paige in class, taking a bite of goldfish or something then just laughing at something and offering her snack to other people) (speaking of...)
Laughing (such a great laugh. Always a happy person)
Sharing (food, knowledge, humor, intelligence)
Buoying (One of the most motivating teammates I have ever had the pleasure of playing with)
Submitting (In every way. Easily one of the most humble girls ever. We had a class together ((one of the many)) and on the first day we had to fill out a card about ourselves and pass it in so the teacher could get to know us. She passed in hers to me and I just happened to read it or something and she had written that she was probably the happiest person our teacher would ever meet and when she passed it up to me she said, "Besides you, Krista Roy. You are just the happiest ever!" To anyone else, this statement might be true. But not Paige. She seriously was always happy. But the point is, she was so humble, she just submitted a little title like that when really it didn't have to be)
Questioning (Always wanting to learn, always wanting clarification, always curious)
Smiling (and a gorgeous one at that)
Greeting (Never misses a chance to say hello)
Scholarshipping (yep. She was awarded the Boetcher. Couldn't think of a better candidate)
Sympathizing (a human being has never felt so comforted than when spilling their woes to Paige Clarke)
Real-izing (Paige is practical. And you know me. A practical person is the best kind. Paige won't put up with trash)
Enduring (AAA i have such respect for those stellar athletes who just suffer some miserable defeat (becuase the stellar ones are always the ones that get botched) but even through 2 or 3 knee blowouts, crutches, multiple surgeries and pretty much an ended career, Paige was still all of the above)
Which, when combined, I think, makes Paige Clarke


of all the praise, friendship, blessings, happiness, and ebullience she ever has and i hope always will continue to get!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Serve till you Die

Raking leaves makes me think of two things:



Coralee Peele.

It's funny how those two things go so perfectly hand in hand.

I raked leaves and did various yard work for Sis. Peele for YEARS. One time I even painted her mailbox with Taryn Smith (with such a team, you better believe we messed up and did it wrong) but doing such a service provided a wonderful bonding experience for us. Sis. Peele really taught us the true meaning of service.

One time Sis. Peele sold me her car for WAY cheap because she is kind.

My mom served Coralee for all the years of my life pretty much. Their interactions with one another and the friendship they developed really taught me a lot about service and how it requires and produces charity for everyone involved.

Yesterday, Coralee died.

I do feel like it's a good thing when people die, leaving the world all that much better for having been there.

And I do feel like I was able to benefit very much from the lessons of service, charity, love, and endurance Sis. Peele taught me.

Especially since I was able to learn it because of raking leaves!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Li-Mae, Li-Mae

You have to know with a name like Li-Mae, that soul has got to have some goodness.

I met Li-Mae at the first summer run practice of my junior year. She was a new freshman and a new runner and I felt it my personal duty to befriend her and show her the good of life. I had no idea she would fulfill that role more for me than I would ever hope to do for her!

Her list of accomplishments impressed me from that first moment, and I only discovered more as I went on.

Honors classes, multiple sports, quick wit, quirky sense of humor, submissive nature, willingness to try, valuable work ethic, fear to overcome challenges, confidence to be weird, friendly demeanor, precious shyness, eventual discovery of excellent leadership (the good kind that comes naturally just by being a good example), long black hair, rounded nose, big brown eyes, similar appearance to the girl Mowgli follows into the vilage, etc., etc.


I used to braid Li-Mae's hair every meet. That was true bonding. She knows how to make a soul feel good--i knew the braids didn't really make her go any faster, but the way she talked them up, I almost felt like I had made a veritable contribution to her success. Some of the other heads I braided didn't even have a thankful cell within them, let alone such complimentary ones as were in Li-Mae's.

I was in a play with Li-Mae once. She and I shared a bonding moment of anticipatory stage fright opening night. She, of course, shined the entire time perfectly playing a role as a little grandma. She was born for the stage.

Li-Mae has a conviction of faith that few others have. I don't know if she belongs to any organized religion, but her life follows patterns very similar to the way Christ patterned his.

Some people have a hard time making friends because they haven't figured themselves out. But that is the best part of Li-Mae. She knows who she is and she wants to help other people feel as happy as she does about who they are--even if that person thinks they could do it for her.

I've never been so happy to be proven wrong!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Glenl Again

Last time I posted on this blog, I highlighted a soul I would like to highlight again because it turns out I did not even know the full extent of his glory at that time!

Yes, he did get me the most wonderful job in the world, which was the original motivation for spotlightation, but little did I know all that lay behind the then unknown character of Glenl Wear.

He is

a tender man. He always makes sure that everyone respects me and refers to me as a "young woman" or "young lady" and not just a "girl." Doesn't seem like too big of a deal, and I would not even think of it if it didn't happen, but since it does, I notice.

a hard worker. Glenl has been working for Grounds for YEARS and is prompt and complete with his assignments. I've seen pictures of him when he was a crew member and he just worked hard.

a submissive employee. He is quick to respond to his boss's call, but does so in a way that shows he is confident and demands respect. All the while, he is willing to submit to whatever anyone asks of him. He even holds down the office for little old me while I do the mail run, which could really go without being done, but I like to get outside for a minute and he gives me that opportunity.

a knowledgeable landscaper. Seriously, this guy knows his stuff.

an easy-going guy. He is always ready for a conversation and willing to listen and tell a story. There are few who can fill either role well, but he definitely excels in both, and with good balance.

a complimentary gentleman. I don't think I've ever had so many names of endearment by just existing. I would not really think first to call someone like me "beautiful" or "little lady" or "my girl," but Glenl does it in such a fatherly way, i feel endeared. And speaking of fathers...

a patient father. He has children everywhere from golden righteous and successful to eccentric to wayward, but the love he has for them is clearly evident in the stories he tells and the way he interacts with them. He is just patient, in the eternal and temporal sense. Ben is taking a little longer to come pick him up at the office, and he is happy to just sit and chat. Jarrett struggled for awhile, but his love never faltered.

a caring husband. His wife Merilee had cancer at one point, but I've known few husbands to speak so tenderly of their wife, and I know he offered her the greatest amount of care and love and continues to do so even though the worst of it is over.

a dear friend. He has a pure friendly relationship with many of the people with whom he works and the students on his crew are always excited and happy to associate with him.

a charitable soul. "Krista, (young lady) be sure to come to the football game and go to the Grounds office. Here is a hand drawn map. Call me if you get lost. We'll feed you dinner. We'll give you hot chocolate. Here are ponchos for you and your roommates. Bring them too."

a righteous saint. Glenl was my bishopbric guy and he has a strong testimony of the gospel, but the best part about Glenl's testimony is you would not even have to be in his ward or hear him speak to know he knows it. Because that's how he lives.

a soul. On definitely worth spotlighting. Twice.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


All I can say is that sometimes, some people need spotlighting just because they do something for me that I didn't really deserve on any account.

Bro. Wear, my former bishopbric member and newly adopted employer person, is one of those people.

He is funny, kind, blunt, HUMBLE, tender, serviceable, a lover of the outdoors, and a lover of the gospel.

Also, his name is Glenl. Which.. I'm not sure where that came from, but to me that adds to his goodness.

Also, if I were balding, I would want to bald like him. He balds very well.

He is just GREAT! I loved having him as my bishopbric member because he brought a lot of good laughs and taught a lot of good lessons.

So all I can say is, if you want friendship to just fall upon your head when you don't really deserve such goodness, approach the near vicinity of Glenl Wear, and you will find providence smiling upon you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mrs. Morrow!

The reason I love learning so much now and the reason I know what my passions are can pretty much be traced back through trails of good teachers here and there primarily all the way to Mrs. Morrow.

I pretty much had her as my teacher for 6 years because my Char, Bum, and I all had her for two years each. It was the best!

Math Quest, Chocolate Chip Cookie Fridays, Mideavil festival, life-size chess, good advice, one-on-one writing consultation sessions, a pure smile, a good hearty laugh, love for cardinals, owner of schnauzers, mother to two, lover of sun chips, reader of books, adorer of chocolate, lover of plants, insitituter of traditions, otherrandomthingsthatremindmeofherare Vivaldi, thumbtacks, science kits, stumps, tuna fish, window companies, painted maps of the United States, cockroaches/shoebags, swooping hair, limericks, cursive, Newton, fish, beeswax candles, also, passionate teaching, friendly, sincere, kind, talented, funny, and wonderful!

Every Friday before we would leave for school she would say, "What's your homework!?" and we would squeal in joyous unison, "Read and eat chocolate!"

Ever day before we came into the building to start school she would line us up and give us each a hug!

She is the teacher who pulled us through the early and tragic death of one of our classmates.

She is also the teacher who informed us of and comforted us on September 11, 2001.

She is the teacher who taught us to learn to love and to help each other.

She is the teacher who saw me meet, befriend, bond, and cement some of my best friendships in life.

She is the teacher who taught me that I can teach! I don't think I knew that before she showed me it was so.

She was the teacher who rightfully defined what I had no idea was a love for writing poetry.

She is the teacher who gave us chocolate chip cookies every Friday, helped us grow plants every year, let us sit next to our friends, talked with us at recess, laughed at our elementary jokes, supported us in our every endeavor and

she is the teacher

who is more

than just

a teacher,

but a friend :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Taylor Joel Woodward was my first real crush, my only romantic fling, and my best guy friend.

He has a good testimony like Alma, he is brilliant like Einstein, he is hilarious like Strongbad, he can dance like Michael Jackson, he can run like a robot, he works hard like a good boy should, he loves his siblings like Claire, and he is friends with everyone.

Looking back now, I don't know why I ever liked him in a girl-likes-boy kind of way and I know I could never marry him or anything, but I will say this:

Outside of my family, there are probably currently only 6 people for whom I have real live, always present, truly deep, never ceasing, unconditional, charitable, love and admiration.

And Taylor Joel Woodward is one of those people.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Stand a Little Taller

My religion teacher mentioned that Joseph Fielding Smith was the prophet when he was growing up, which made me think very very fondly of President Hinckley, because when I'm 80, he's the prophet I'm going to tell my kids I grew up with (ps, no pleasant way to end that sentence not in a preposition)

I love President Hinckley! If there is any more optimistic man and humble servant in the world, show him now or forever hold your peace! There isn't! I just admire so much Pres. Hinckley's amiable nature, unexpected but always present sense of humor, firm belief in the gospel, and ability to inspire his congregation to the same standards.

Remember when President Hinckley said, "You can be wise and happy or stupid and miserable. The choice is yours"? hahaha that was the best.

Also here's another story about President Hinckley. Some of Utah has bad inversion problems (like pollution I guess?) My friend's bishop was standing in an elevator in the church offices and President Hinckley walked in. The bishop, all in good humor, joked with Pres. Hinckley and said something like, "Hey, can't you do anything about this inversion!?" And President Hinckley just smiled and said, "I'm not in charge of facilities!"

Hahah. And not to mention, POWERFUL SPEAKER AND TENDER MAN. I love him.

Stand a little taller!

Monday, August 30, 2010


So today it was my birthday. People fed me all day long, I met a billion new people, some kids sang, other people patted me on the head, etc. etc. But don't forget, this blog is all about other people and if there's another person in the world that has even more reason to celebrate the day of my birth than I do for being born, it's my mother for GIVING BIRTH!! On this day, nineteen years ago, early in the morning!

And how, exactly, does one make a blog encompassing all that is good about their mothers? It does not happen easily, that's how. All I can say is, my mom is THE SMARTEST person in this world. She knows EVERYTHING! And even when I am skeptical about her knowledge, she always is right. Just stick with that.

My mom is FUNNY! She has a sharp wit and she can pun and she can feist and she can joke and her humor can be displayed all ways; verbally, visually, mentally, etc.

My mom is a GOOD COOK! Shelletti, pancakes, waffles, french toast, toast, cereal, pea casserole, pizza, potato soup, cowboy beans, sandwiches, tacos, chipotle, cafe rio, salad, fruit, steak, rice, chicken, potatoes, on and on and on! So much good food!

My mom is such a good ADVISOR and COMFORTER! Especially when I am trying to make a decision that is getting skewed by my stupid concerns or illogical thoughts, mom is there to straighten me out!

My mom is PRACTICAL! And you know me, I love practical people. She's a problem solver, and she's efficient about it. And if not, you better believe she starts snappin fingers to get the job done.

My mom is a good DISCIPLINER and TEACHER! In two respects each; discipline for threemonthsgroundedwhichturnedouttobenotreal and discipline for just teaching me how to control myself and teacher because she taught me about a million things just by doing them and teacher because I've never been to a class or heard a lesson where i wasn't 100% uplifted.

My mom has a TESTIMONY! In our family, we aren't really ever ones to show emotion, but whenever I hear my mom bear her testimony about the gospel, spontaneously or not, I know she knows it's true, which helps me to know it's true.

My mom is ATHLETIC! Just picture this (for all you who have seen it before) mom standing on the pitcher's mound with her butt sticking out and the lime green ball perched serenely atop her fingers. hahaha also, picture her just trekking up Sapphire with Doug. She is just healthy!

My mom is uber TALENTED! I mean like, make quilts, write scripts, take pictures, film movies, design posters, create campaigns, plan camps, crochet quilts, fold clothes, cook food, plan trips, yadda yadda yadda the list DOES NOT END! And anything she couldn't do, she learns in a jiffy.

Pretty much, two more things:

Pretty much any girl might try and say any of this about her mom and even if they were being truthful (which they probably aren't because no one is this amazing) their moms still wouldn't be as good at all of this as my mom is. She's THE BEST and it's real.

Also, all this can be summed up in my aspiration and just ever hopeful wish that if I could be just merely HALF as good as my mom is now, my kids would have a super woman mom. And that's only half. But full is just so great, I just feel lucky that my sisters and I at least got to have it for ourselves, even if I can just only ever hope to be as wonderful as my mom. I love you, Mom! Happy GivingBirthday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Feed and Water

She's wild and candid and fun and creative and funny and really good at cooking tacos.

She's sensitive and tender and understanding and lenient and soft-spoken and really good at making people feel confident.

She's beautiful and youthful and trendy and stylish and laughy and really good at running out in the mornings in her pjs to tell us Taryn won't be making it to the carpool this morning.

She's wise and insightful and firmly testimonied and pure and faithful and really good at just trying her best to be like the Savior and she does a stinking good job.

She's the best mom for her kids, the best wife for her husband, the best entertainer for her adoring audience, the best leader for her followers, the best smiler for the frowners, the best listener for those who talk, the best talker for those who don't, the best cooker for her eaters, the best party thrower for her people, the best host for her guests, the best service woman for the needful, and the best friend for everyone.

She's Pam Smith.

"I just want to take her home and feed her and water her!" -Said by CJ, quoted by me, agreed upon by many

Thursday, August 26, 2010


What do you get when you cross

pure charity
extreme sense of humor
love for german
skill in public relations
way good talent in art
extremely good work ethic
love for family
pure charity
appreciation for inside jokes
simple selflessness
good sense of how to have fun
way lots of intelligence
pure charity
fun bun
appreciation for Pikes Peak
love of old goofy movies
cute style
deep understanding of the gospel
pure charity
wonderful conversation skills
understanding of joyous romance
good enduring of teasingness
taste buds for prairie grass
way impressive music/singing/guitar skills
expert fudge-dipping donut skills
equally good teaser
the best understander of providing good friendship
pure charity
spectacular story telling skills
contagious laughter


A soul providence alone allowed me to meet whose passion is PURE CHARITY!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ryan Workman!

All I can say is, sometimes people have to have changes of heart before they can glimpse the true goodness of someone else's heart, and I was one of those people with Ryan Workman. Nevertheless, here are 10 great things about Ryan, a person who I now truly appreciate as a pure soul with nothing but good intentions.

1. He is a very happy person, inclined to laughter, always smiling, and very socially amiable. He likes to joke and never gets too serious, which makes for a fun time.

2. He is athletic. Man, that boy can play sports! All kinds! I think he might specialize in baseball, but whatever it is, he's good at it!

3. I do believe he's rather smart. I don't know GPA wise or what not, but he has his wits about him and is at least a good problem solver.

4. He is uber friendly. Everyone he met, he was always the first to introduce himself and make sure the person felt comfortable in the conversation, regardless of whether he was the new one or not.

5. In the end, I would classify him as humble. I will sheepishly admit that I gave him a rough time at the beginning of our friendship, and he humbly sumbitted to just trying to be good and please me even though, what? my desires or opinions didn't even matter! Man, looking back at that, I am kicking myself for the pride I exhibited, but honored to have known someone with such submissiveness.

6. He likes a good adventure. Be it camping or trafalga or the movies, he's there and he makes it fun for everyone.

7. He has a good strong testimony of the gospel. Right now he's serving a mission in Taiwan and I know he will be just great not only becuase it's in his blood but becuase he just knows that the gospel is true and it's something he has to do.

8. He defines selfless service. One time we were going camping and we were just a bunch of clueless, suppliless college hooligans and he drove all the way to his grandpa's hosue to get us a couple of tents. After all that work, we didn't even end up going, but he was so kind about it. Also, he let us use his car to go watch Rach sing in a concert even though he wasn't even going. Also, he gave us and a lot of our other friends free tickets to Trafalga even though we had not always treated him the best. He just was always willing to serve others. it was pure.

9. He is charismatic. No matter who he meets, they generally like him right away becuase he is just friendly and happy.

10. Ryan has a pure heart with nothing but good intentions. Like I said, I may have misjudged that from the start, but it is nothing but true and he really is just a good boy.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


If you asked any anatomy student from Doherty High School how to spell the first section of the intestine tract, they would, without hesitation, jump up and say, "J-E-J-U-N-U-M, what's that spell? Jejunum! Let's go, Jejunum!"

Or... try singing Bohemian Rhapsody around one of them without having them relate fond memories to you about "Queen Up" after dissection day. It won't happen.

Or...ask them how they celebrated Halloween. They'll have a good story for you on their list of Halloween celebrations that will have something to do with a dark classroom, skeleton lights, carved pumpkins, and Edgar Allan Poe readings from a shrouded Steve Gigliotti!

Such is the nature of the man. He is so incredible, none can forget him, and few can go through life without continually thinking fondly of the great elements he contributed to their lives.

It wasn't just that he was a great teacher. Though, this is very true and deserves some spotlighting. There's a lot to know about the human body and I certainly will never know all of it, but I know a great deal more than the average person becuase of Mr. Gigliotti. All the bones. Many of the organs. A lot about the brain. Everything about the eye. The list goes on.

But it's not just that he's a great teacher. He's just an awesome guy! Rock climbing, swimming, running, biking, rafting, kayaking, caving, camping, the list goes on and on! He loves adventure and inspires such a passion in people everywhere.

And it's not just that he's a great teacher or an awesome guy! He's a great friend. Even years after i took his class, he would never hesitate to set aside whatever he was doing and have a real, long, heartfelt conversation. And the best part about these is they usually contain a lot of teasing and joking and it's all well received. I never beat him up too bad haha. And on the friendship factor, he knows what friendship means. That's why he could appreciate Karalee and I even though we were probably some of the more annoying souls he ever knew.

And it's not just that he's a great teacher or an awesome guy or a great friend! Really, what I think is the best thing about Mr. Gigliotti is that he is an incredible father. He has a great bond with his sons (hanging from rocks and falling out of rafts does this to a father and son) and has raised them to be fun loving but respectable boys. He also has the purest daughter in the world, and she has had some heart struggles from day 1; becuase of this, he is the most tender man in the world. You'd be surprised how quickly he can go from rough and tumble outdoorsman to tenderhearted father when Allison comes up, and I have experienced some really heartwarming moments when his love and care for her is extrememly evident. This is impressive to me; one wouldn't think that a man who can dissect pigs without even thinking about it and take on an entire raging river by himself would be inclined to speak tenderly and love charitably, but he epitomizes this combination in the best possible way.

Some good Gigliotti quotes, many of which all the Doherty students know:
"Two, Utah, Two!"
"...and that's a big BUTT"
"America, the best country in the United States"
"Got that, Roy? You belong in a freak show"
"Hahahhahaha" (laughter. Always laughter)
"No lilydipping"
No quote, but oh my one time he just started rapping in the middle of his lecture, it was seriously like the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my existence
"So like, totally, like this weekend, like I'm going shopping totally at Aeropostale"
"I want you all to employ the word beverage today. Your parents will be impressed"

Good ol' Gigliotti. I'd take his class again in a heart beat. Or the blink of an eye.

Brooke Carter Talei!

All I can say is, my niece Brooke is ADORABLE! For the majority of her life thus far, my dad would always refer to her as the "cutest little boy" becuase she was just this round headed little baldie, precious, but boylike nonetheless.

The point is, now she is come to full girl preciousness and is so cute! Rightfully so, as her middle name does mean "precious" in Fijian.

I don't know much about Brooke, as she's only 3, but I do know that

a) She is precious
b) She is a good, humble little sister. Her older sister Viana likes to tell her to do things and Brooke just immediately after does exactly what Viana tells her to
c) She is a friendly little girl! I don't think she quite understands just how she knows me yet, but she doesn't hesitate to just come right up and start talking to me
d) Which shows me that she's also confident and brave. Good qualities, I'd say
e) She likes to play! And she likes to play with her family, which is good too
f) She is content where she is.
g) From what I can tell, she's pretty obedient
h) Her parents love her immensely, and to me that's a sign that she must be pretty wonderful
i) I love her, and I'm not a HUGE baby/toddler person.
j) Which to you, that's a sign that she IS wonderful.
k) Good job, Precious Brooke Precious Carter!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Remember that blind date I went on and I discussed blogs? And he essentially inspired me to start this whole soul spotlight thing? I declare that act alone deserves some spotlighting.

But that's not to mention his great ability to make conversation! Usually on dates I ask ALL the questions and make the conversation; not so with Josh Clayton! He asked me a bunch of questions and we just had a nice chat, which was refreshing. Also, he remembered most of the answers! He is just a genuine soul with an interest in people. He's smart and he really does know the value of a good friendship, which a) I don't know that a ton of boys do and b) i don't know that a ton of people do, so good for him.

Besides that, he is a feist! He likes to do daredevil things, and he likes to take whoever along for the ride. Good sense of adventure.

Josh is also honest. Confident in himself. But not cocky. Rather, very humble and considerate and aware of the needs and desires of others around him.

He doesn't like to step on people's toes. But, he's not a people pleaser to the point that people walk all over his. Essentially, I think Josh Clayton has what I consider one of the most important traits of any successful souls, and that is balance. That's why, thanks to Josh, I can have one blog that talks about no one but me and one blog that is all about other people. Like Josh.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eden Moss

There once was a girl named Eden
In decible count she was always leadin
She talked so loud
She attracted a crowd
And entrance to her speech was not forbidden

But Eden, she loved to smile
It never took longer than awhile
To be talking to her
And because she was so pure
For a compliment to come- and no lie-els!

For she loved to serve all day long
To describe her as selfish would be quite wrong
She had a faithful testimony
And thought fear was baloney
And loved to praise in prayer and in song

Besides all this she had a great sense
Of how to be humorous in every instance
Her cheeks were jolly and round
Every time she would sound
Her loud laughter- oh what great bliss!

I met Eden before any other soul
When I entered my first week of school
We bonded right away
And still to this day
She and I are kindred spirits as a rule!

The best thing about this girl Eden
Is all problems or worries she'll mend
She'll just come right up
And swallow you in a hug
Because overall, Eden is just a good friend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Every Sunday growing up, a cheerful old gentleman would come up and shake my hand with a twinkle in his eye, and when I pulled away from the greeting, there was always a candy in my hand. It was charity at its finest; sneaky, simple, and heartwarming.

Bro. Lundy (I can't even remember his first name) embodied the Christlike love for which we are all striving. I don't know a lot about Bro. Lundy's life, but I do think it ha a pretty good amount of roughness. Regardless, I know for sure that he loves his wife, who passed away pretty early in life. He loves his children, even though I think a good number of them were wayward souls. He loves the gospel, so much so that I can't remember really anytimes when he didn't have an investigator that turned into a faithful member of the church becuase he was such a good representative with an unshakeable testimony. And he loves other people. He is always serving, always ready, even really when I feel like he should be the one getting the service he so bounteously gives. Heck, he took time always to get candy for me (and I know at least two other people in the ward) so he could always be ready to offer me a candshake. Of love!


There are few people who actually deserve the description of a buggin, and only really one person that absoultely defines "buggin" through the purity of her soul, quaintness of her being, and success of her life. She has hair as yellow as corn, the cutest feet in the world, and a feistiness that would blow you away. Jordan Bloesser!!

Here are 10 great things about Jordan:

1. She is so cute! She just is little and quaint, and she knows exactly how she wants to look all the time, which is cute, and so she always looks cute. She always has little bangs that frame her face, and her hair seriously is blonder than most souls. She just has little features, which is what I think endears her the most to me becuase we both just have little features, and so we are bonded and she is precious.

2. She is so stinking fast! Jordan and I went to middle school together and I was in 8th grade, just barely discovering i was a runner, when she was already winning all sorts of races. It didn't stop there! She won a race in Kansas and she placed super high in countless cross country meets, many in which I was honored to participate with her, and she finally won a couple her senior year!! Every workout I ever did with her was good hard work becuase she is just a good stinking little runner. Not to mention athlete; she won most athletic in middle school (such an honor, I know) and then for real in high school like, get your picture framed and hung up in the hall for kids to make fun of generations from now after styles have changed but it doesn't matter becuase talent stays the same.

3. Wow. Talk about funny! She has a kind of cynical sense of humor, but it makes me laugh so hard. And she has a good giggle for if you can ever return the humor.

4. She has a good relationship with her mom, which i think is cherishable. They like to run together and her mom is just precious like she is, so they are just two cute people bonding always.

5. She has super good jugdment of people's souls, and she doesn't mess around with trying to skew the perspective. If someone's a suave, they're a suave and that's fine. If they are buggin (in the broadest sense of the word), they are buggin and that's all there is to it. But the best part is, she still appreciates them all as souls, weird or not, and will listen to them no matter what.

6. She's so practical, which i love!! Every decision or plan she makes is thought out and sensible, efficient and cheap, and always memorable. None of this extraneous stress factor stuff. She just gets down to business and gets it done.

7. Jordan is smart! She works hard and does good, and she also doesn't believe in cheating, which is awesome.

8. Hahah one of the best things about Jordan is she thinks boys are stupid but all of them jsut are trying to woo her! Haha so becuase she is so precious she's got a billion boys that just admire her from a distance, but it has to be from a distance because she just thinks they are all just silly little boys so there's no hope for them. But I will say, I can't wait till she falls head over heels in love because then I know that boy has got to be something special! And she deserves it.

9. Jordan is a cherisher of memories and a giver of gifts. She just is sincere, she likes to remember things that happened and she likes to bring them up so everyone can reminisce on them together again. She cherishes bonds with people. And when she wants to show it, she just doesn't call up hallmark and make some cookies, she makes her own awesome cards and gives a gift that has some sort of sentimental value to the person. It is awesome.

10. Jordan is a buggin! More like, THE buggin. If you don't know what I mean by that, you just have to meet Jordan and you will immediately know!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I stumbled upon an epiphany this summer while training for a marathon. All I am in the running world, which is not necessarily impressive but at least substantial, can be credited almost entirely to Chuck Schwartz. Though my parents gave me my genes, he taught me not only the importance of mental strength and the ability to endure through painful moments, but above all else the passion that really runs my life (ha. punintended)

What else is great about Schwartz? He loves the 70's. The music, the hairstyles (he even sports them), the history, and especially the runners. He taught history. He LOVES his family; adores his wife, idolizes his three precious sons. He understands the beauty of nature and the testament it gives to God's existence. Schwartz may not be able to remember that he already told you the same story 80 times, but he remembers, without fail, every runner he's ever known and all their PRs. To. the. second.

He's the best coach I've ever had. He ALWAYS personalized my running schedule and 70 more for each of my teammates. He would run with us on training runs. He would cheer the loudest for us at meets. He would brag about us to other people. He took my freshman group of runners of misfits and hooligans and turned us into a state contending team. He seriously instilled within me the intense love I have for running, the love that other people think is crazy but honestly keeps me hitting the trails every day. He's sentimental, and I think that's a good trait for a coach. Not to mention, he's a complete goofball :)

Some Sweet Schwartz Quotes:

"I just ran a 5 minute mile in my vans!"
"They've got AFRICANS!"
"Am I going to have to make you guys get in plank position?" (As he rubs his hair with one hand, the other on his hip)
"Did I ever tell you the story about Jamie and the lobster hands?" Yes, coach, yes you did. 12 times.
"You're an ANIMAL!"
"Hey, there, Roy Buggin!"
"...And they didn't know who Pre was! I was just thinking... man, these kids have a lot to learn"
"I know a sweet trail we can do our cooldown on afterwards........"

And so much more. What a soul!

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Boy

There probably should be some boy souls on this little soul spotlight, and so when contemplating which boys I've known for the longest and which would probably be my brother since I don't have any real ones, I of course immediately thought of James Allen!

J- Jumpy. When I picture James Allen, I think of him hopping around the basketball court, dodging poison balls and shniking rebounds. Playing basketball with James constitutes seriously some of my best childhood mornings.

A-Abashed. Ask my dad to do an impersonation of Bro. Allen talking to you, and James is the same way. Just kind of abashed, kind of mumbly, but always funny.

M-Momma's Boy. I have never known a son more endeared to his mother, maybe because he's the only son, but I can tell James respects his mother, and for that he gets a lot of brownie points. And brownies.

E-Enthusiastic. I've had the pleasure of serving with James on several committees or at least at a lot of service projects and such over the years, and he is definitely a team get-up-and-goer. And can't you just picture his raised eyebrows face like, "Oh! Yeah! What can I do? What do you need us to do? Oh, there's no one with me? Don't worry, I'll get a herd of willing servants in about 5 seconds" and then he does.

S-Squinty. Another classic James face. You know he appreciates your humor, which he always tries to appreciate everyone's humor, when his face gets all squinty like a happy little siamese cat hahaha in the best possible way, of course

A- Altruistic. I'm pretty sure every mom in our ward wanted their daughter to marry James, the noble, spiritual, serving, dashing young man, regardless of whether their daughter was in nursery or about to graduate young women's.

L-Humble. Ok, so Humble doesn't start with an L, but because it's one of his most prominent characteristics, I just had to throw it in there, and I already have to think of another L

L-Leader. I always remember James being the one to get up and lead any sort of movement; testimony meetings, service projects, fun gatherings, movie making endeavors, bike rides, etc. etc.

E-Eccentric. One time James came with me and a bunch of other people to Keller Park in the dark of the night and we rode the tandem around and he was wearing a yellow felt vest with piano notes on it, a pink poodle skirt, a black cape, and a cowboy hat. Oh what a silhouette in the night of my childhood. And that did not occur in just one instance.

N-No one compares. Seriously, James Allen is like a brother to me and I don't think I could have found a soul like him anywhere else to provide such big brother hoodness! What a pure soul!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Good Man!

Second Grade. I'm wearing a blue, button-up blouse with flowers on it and sitting next to a brown haired little girl with a buggin nose and puppy dog eyes, who is sitting next to a chubby, outspoken little boy. I crack a joke about my blouse to both of them, and the girl realizes she'd rather talk to me than the boy on her other side.

I was the lucky one that day.

3 years later. I'm best friends with said brown haired little girl, and she's still little. We play tetherball at recess. We sit next to each other during silent reading time. We have sleepovers and think we are cool because we are still eating fruit roll-ups till midnight! We are in the same group for Math Quest Fridays. She is polite, quaint, cute, smart, and feisty.

For my birthday, everyone else got me regular things their moms pulled out of the birthday box ten minutes before they left. She got me a book and bookmarks. After I opened it, my mom said, "You will be friends with Regan Goodman for a long time"

7 years later. I'm still best friends with Regan Goodman, even though we have quite gone our separate paths. Regan is still polite, quaint, cute, smart, and feisty, and now she is also independent, wise, funny, good natured and full of all kinds of potential to be even more! I do feel as if we will always have a bond. Something about chubby boys, tetherballs and bookmarks does that to you.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bryndee Nicole Peterson

You gotta think that whoever gets this spot today is pretty special because first I post my best friend, then I post my own grandmother after whom I am named in part, and then.....

When I moved into Wyview last year there were name tags on all the doors of all the girls I just knew I would bond with and know and the door across from ours had a name tag with the name Bryndee on it. Well, when I saw that, I knew I was going to be friends with that girl becuase her name was Bryndee. What could be better?

Well, at the end of my Wyview year, I knew this Bryndee and we were friends, but not as I had assumed at the beginning. Nevertheless, we signed a contract to live together in the summer and NOW comes the joyous bond I always imagined.

Becuase. Bryn. Is. Great.

This is why:

She laughs like a seal, loves to shop, always looks trendy, talks about boys, wears a Flirty apron, has blonde hair that has been dyed multiple times, owns the largest collection of headbands and other hair accessories of anyone i know, and can text without even looking at her phone. Just go ahead and draw that image up in your mind.

But. Then.

Add to it the fact that she has an associate degree and a pharmacist license, she's already a senior in college, she tutors grown men in one of the hardest prereqs at BYU, Chem 105, she can write a 12 page paper in 2 days, she can cook anything and often makes up her own recipes, she is UBER organized, she always works hard, always, she is the most fluent conversationalist, she really cares about peoples lives, but not in a squealy way, just a "tell me about your life and i will make sure that I analyze it and give you honest feedback on what I think" way, she shops for good clearance deals, she can't wait to get married and be a mom but not becuaes it's the dream of every girl but because she just knows that's what she's born to do, she has about 12 restaurant's menus memorized, she knows her standards and sticks to them, she has a testimony of the gospel and helps others to do the same, she goes and visits an old lady named Wanda EVERY WEEK but no one even knows that becuase she is so pure about it, she always contributes to charities and performs service at every opportunity and she doesn't let other people decide who she will be!!

And. Then.

Remember that she LOVES TO HAVE FUN and ALWAYS CAN no matter what. And I am privileged to count her amongst one of my greatest friends. Good thing her name is Bryndee, or none of this may ever have happened!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grandma 90!

For my humanities class, I had to write an obituary for Ivan Ilych, which required me to a) read the book about death b) read sample obituaries about death and c)think about death extensively. And old people, too. And how they generally go hand in hand but walk different paths according to the attitude of the dying person in question (which, by the way, is all of us at one point or another)

So, the soul for today is my great grandma Lenheart! I hate to open this post with such a dismal thought on death, but that really is all the more reason for me to highlight her because as close or far from death as she may be, she remains one of the happiest and most grateful souls I know!
Every time I talk to her, she just pours out happiness for the wonderful life she has lived thus far and the wonderful life she is continuing in now!

The first encounter I had with death, in fact, was her husband. I was seven, maybe, and I remember running up to my room and crying when I heard the news then running through the cemetery at the funeral, both actions I took because they were what people did in movies. Did I understand death then? No. Do I understand it now? Not quite. BUT, I do know that I should not trudge towards it, dreading it all my life, because then I would actually have to say "dreading it all my death" and I would forget to live.

Grandma Lenheart is a wonderful example of living. She is kind, gracious, wise, precious, and also bequeathed me a wonderful lil white purse :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


And for the first post, who better to spotlight than my very dear best one and only best of all dear best friends in the world, my little sister SUMMER!?

She is seriously the most beautiful person in the world, hands down, no doubt, she doesn't even wear makeup and she still is dazzling!

here's what's so great about Summer: Her real name is actually Summerque. She was born in the winter. She almost killed my mom in coming, but probably has the best relationship with her now of all my sisters. She is not a morning person. She still doesn't know how to say "actually", she says, instead, Ackshlee, in essence, and it is so endearing. She looks so different from me, and we act a lot different too, but we are best friends.

She has an independent testimony of the gospel. She lets me push her buttons, and it is very funny when she won't and i still do. Half of her face is lazy. She hates thrift stores. She is a diligent worker outer. We used to sing rainbow songs and we would roller skate up and down our driveway. She likes that I call her bum, and she calls me Kristar.
We like to dance together. We like to play sports together. We like to brush our teeth together. We don't ever fight. We like to eat together. She is like my mom. I am like my dad. Thus, we get along quite nicely.
If she doesn't like something, she won't hesitate to say it. But she likes most things. She is a beast. She can run a 25 minute 5k (maybe faster, I don't know?) She is so funny and so smart and all the other basic things that most great people have, but she has them even better.

The best part about Summer

is that I get to be with her



This is a secret blog that is meant souly (ha) to bring joy to anyone to happens to stumble upon it and also to bring joy to anyone to whom I reveal it. Since right now, the sum total of those two types of people is zero, I am quite liking the mysterious and happy nature of this blog.

And for further explanation, I will tell the story of the origin of this blog.

Once I went on a blind date. It was great! We began to discuss blogs and I said that a) I had one b) he could read it if he wanted but c) it was mostly for my family's sake becuase d) I always felt really self absorbed always writing about myself. In that moment, I epiphanized that I should have a blog about other people! Then they would like to read it more.

So here's to all the souls out there. I only wish I had enough time to spotlight each and every one because I do know so very many dear ones, but for now, all you non-existent readers, enjoy what you may find here! :)