Wednesday, August 18, 2010


There are few people who actually deserve the description of a buggin, and only really one person that absoultely defines "buggin" through the purity of her soul, quaintness of her being, and success of her life. She has hair as yellow as corn, the cutest feet in the world, and a feistiness that would blow you away. Jordan Bloesser!!

Here are 10 great things about Jordan:

1. She is so cute! She just is little and quaint, and she knows exactly how she wants to look all the time, which is cute, and so she always looks cute. She always has little bangs that frame her face, and her hair seriously is blonder than most souls. She just has little features, which is what I think endears her the most to me becuase we both just have little features, and so we are bonded and she is precious.

2. She is so stinking fast! Jordan and I went to middle school together and I was in 8th grade, just barely discovering i was a runner, when she was already winning all sorts of races. It didn't stop there! She won a race in Kansas and she placed super high in countless cross country meets, many in which I was honored to participate with her, and she finally won a couple her senior year!! Every workout I ever did with her was good hard work becuase she is just a good stinking little runner. Not to mention athlete; she won most athletic in middle school (such an honor, I know) and then for real in high school like, get your picture framed and hung up in the hall for kids to make fun of generations from now after styles have changed but it doesn't matter becuase talent stays the same.

3. Wow. Talk about funny! She has a kind of cynical sense of humor, but it makes me laugh so hard. And she has a good giggle for if you can ever return the humor.

4. She has a good relationship with her mom, which i think is cherishable. They like to run together and her mom is just precious like she is, so they are just two cute people bonding always.

5. She has super good jugdment of people's souls, and she doesn't mess around with trying to skew the perspective. If someone's a suave, they're a suave and that's fine. If they are buggin (in the broadest sense of the word), they are buggin and that's all there is to it. But the best part is, she still appreciates them all as souls, weird or not, and will listen to them no matter what.

6. She's so practical, which i love!! Every decision or plan she makes is thought out and sensible, efficient and cheap, and always memorable. None of this extraneous stress factor stuff. She just gets down to business and gets it done.

7. Jordan is smart! She works hard and does good, and she also doesn't believe in cheating, which is awesome.

8. Hahah one of the best things about Jordan is she thinks boys are stupid but all of them jsut are trying to woo her! Haha so becuase she is so precious she's got a billion boys that just admire her from a distance, but it has to be from a distance because she just thinks they are all just silly little boys so there's no hope for them. But I will say, I can't wait till she falls head over heels in love because then I know that boy has got to be something special! And she deserves it.

9. Jordan is a cherisher of memories and a giver of gifts. She just is sincere, she likes to remember things that happened and she likes to bring them up so everyone can reminisce on them together again. She cherishes bonds with people. And when she wants to show it, she just doesn't call up hallmark and make some cookies, she makes her own awesome cards and gives a gift that has some sort of sentimental value to the person. It is awesome.

10. Jordan is a buggin! More like, THE buggin. If you don't know what I mean by that, you just have to meet Jordan and you will immediately know!

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