There are a handful of people that fall in a category of people I may just never have known or bonded with so deeply had we not been to many many many years of school together. One of those people is PAIGE CLARKE!
But how lucky I am to have known and bonded so deeply with Paige becuase she is one incredible individual!
She is always
Hard working
Running (FAST!)
Playing (WELL- basketball, track, athletic anything, you name it. She won the athlete award of highest athleticness our 8th grade year)
Trying (take volleyball-she wasn't necessarily a vball player, but she tried out anyway!)
Winning (always!)
Eating (I have such fond memories of Paige in class, taking a bite of goldfish or something then just laughing at something and offering her snack to other people) (speaking of...)
Laughing (such a great laugh. Always a happy person)
Sharing (food, knowledge, humor, intelligence)
Buoying (One of the most motivating teammates I have ever had the pleasure of playing with)
Submitting (In every way. Easily one of the most humble girls ever. We had a class together ((one of the many)) and on the first day we had to fill out a card about ourselves and pass it in so the teacher could get to know us. She passed in hers to me and I just happened to read it or something and she had written that she was probably the happiest person our teacher would ever meet and when she passed it up to me she said, "Besides you, Krista Roy. You are just the happiest ever!" To anyone else, this statement might be true. But not Paige. She seriously was always happy. But the point is, she was so humble, she just submitted a little title like that when really it didn't have to be)
Questioning (Always wanting to learn, always wanting clarification, always curious)
Smiling (and a gorgeous one at that)
Greeting (Never misses a chance to say hello)
Scholarshipping (yep. She was awarded the Boetcher. Couldn't think of a better candidate)
Sympathizing (a human being has never felt so comforted than when spilling their woes to Paige Clarke)
Real-izing (Paige is practical. And you know me. A practical person is the best kind. Paige won't put up with trash)
Enduring (AAA i have such respect for those stellar athletes who just suffer some miserable defeat (becuase the stellar ones are always the ones that get botched) but even through 2 or 3 knee blowouts, crutches, multiple surgeries and pretty much an ended career, Paige was still all of the above)
Which, when combined, I think, makes Paige Clarke
of all the praise, friendship, blessings, happiness, and ebullience she ever has and i hope always will continue to get!
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