I stumbled upon an epiphany this summer while training for a marathon. All I am in the running world, which is not necessarily impressive but at least substantial, can be credited almost entirely to Chuck Schwartz. Though my parents gave me my genes, he taught me not only the importance of mental strength and the ability to endure through painful moments, but above all else the passion that really runs my life (ha. punintended)
What else is great about Schwartz? He loves the 70's. The music, the hairstyles (he even sports them), the history, and especially the runners. He taught history. He LOVES his family; adores his wife, idolizes his three precious sons. He understands the beauty of nature and the testament it gives to God's existence. Schwartz may not be able to remember that he already told you the same story 80 times, but he remembers, without fail, every runner he's ever known and all their PRs. To. the. second.
He's the best coach I've ever had. He ALWAYS personalized my running schedule and 70 more for each of my teammates. He would run with us on training runs. He would cheer the loudest for us at meets. He would brag about us to other people. He took my freshman group of runners of misfits and hooligans and turned us into a state contending team. He seriously instilled within me the intense love I have for running, the love that other people think is crazy but honestly keeps me hitting the trails every day. He's sentimental, and I think that's a good trait for a coach. Not to mention, he's a complete goofball :)
Some Sweet Schwartz Quotes:
"I just ran a 5 minute mile in my vans!"
"They've got AFRICANS!"
"Am I going to have to make you guys get in plank position?" (As he rubs his hair with one hand, the other on his hip)
"Did I ever tell you the story about Jamie and the lobster hands?" Yes, coach, yes you did. 12 times.
"You're an ANIMAL!"
"Hey, there, Roy Buggin!"
"...And they didn't know who Pre was! I was just thinking... man, these kids have a lot to learn"
"I know a sweet trail we can do our cooldown on afterwards........"
And so much more. What a soul!
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