Friday, January 14, 2011

It Is Time.

There is a handful of people I am always hesitant to spotlight because a blog post (or little else, for that matter) will ever do them justice. But now I must. Love and admiration has overcome me too much for this person for her to not get some sort of spotlight somewhere becuase she is just so so dear. I'm not holding back, so get over the longness. She deserves it all.

Elise McAllister.

The Basics:
Silky orange hair. Don't forget the natural blond streak in the back.
Pristine skin. Only pimple she's ever gotten was the one she HAD to get becuase all the rest of us had a pimple in the same place and we are too bonded for her to not get one too.
Squinty eyes. Quality eye make-up.
Big smile.
Loud laughter.
Distinct walk.

Things you can find out in a normal conversation:
She loves birds!
She makes practical decisions. You know how I love practical people.
She is wise.
Financially organized.
Family and Consumer Science Major (and though hesitant, proud of it!)
Texas Pride. She wears her texas shirts as religiously as i wear my pikes peak shirts.
Movie Quoter
Loves her family. Oldest of 6 girls, age range of 20 years.
Writing a missionary in Brazil who she dated in high school, but she mostly just has pure appreciation for him.
Dating an Alaskan who is kind and funny. She really likes him.

Things you can find out if you live with her:
She hacks into the sink often.
She loves oatmeal.
Professional maker of FCBs.
Messy and dirty but good at cleaning and working.
Good at making sure everyone does their chores by making charts
Loves bras. When they aren't on her.
Loves Japanese food.
Loves her family.
Good shopper. Lise will be a good mom becuase she shinkes clearance and coupons.
She hahaha doesn't mind being blunt about people's souls. or to their souls. It got us out of many rough situations more than once.
She is a scheduler and a cleaner and an organizer and good at it all.

Things I will now reveal to you that you only find out if you sleep in the bed next to her:
She has a good relationship with her mom.
She works to have an even better relationship with her dad.
Loves her family. Like really. People talk about their families. People love their families. But Lise really does and hers is so dynamic, but from the different Rachel to the young Emily to the still growing Brooklyn to the ditzy Nicole to the talkative Lauren, she tends to each of them lovingly and has nothing but their welfare at the core of her heart. She is the perfect older sister, often reminding me of my own oldest sister who i love so much for the qualities she exhibited that Elis also has.
Sees right through people. hahah I love that about Elise.
Has struggled. and come out the conquereror becuase she is stronger than trials.
Is tricky. hahah. so sly, the little credit-carding,feisting, shinking lil booger.
Pays debts.
Forgives debtors.
Loves sugar and eats it often.
Cares about me. Elise is the first to congratulate me on my successes and always always always listens to my never ending, mostly nonsensical babbling.
Also, she is very good at entertaining my pointless and random questions.
PATIENT! no doubt about it.
Elise has a BOYFRIEND, the coveted, always wanted prize of every girl at BYU, the prize that once a girl gets it, her roommates are so happy for her they are ok with her going off and galavanting with him all the time and that's how it goes and everyone is ok with that, but Elise is so pure, she feels bad for leaving us behind when she goes with her boyfriend! Seriously, that'show pure her show of friendship is.
Up for adventures, and if she's not, she will say she is and then bring laughter the whole way
Doesn't let go of old friendships. I like that about Lise. a lot of people are inclined to just let go of the people they grew up with, but not Lise. She stays in contact with those people, which is cool.
Can't help making fun of people (which is a good pairing for me haha)
Gets frustrated when she can't serve as fully as she would like.
Has a good relationship with Christ.
Cracks every bone in her body every morning and night and lots of times in between.
Sleep talks.
Likes Wendy's. But doesn't mind spending extra to really get some good food.
A good updater of facebook.
Runs! lise runs! She wants to be better, and so she tries hard and I love that.
hahah more than once I have come home to her butt in the air while she is doing yoga in our room. haha.
Feels fat in sweats.
Tells good stories about her childhood. haha.
Has a playlist of probably the same 38 songs which will forever trigger memories of her.
Watches House, Glee, and 24 while folding laundry.
More than I ever expected to be. Lise is a bookcase, and that's why I like her. I am ALWAYS finding little trinkets on her hidden shelves I would have never guessed were there but am always pleasantly surprised to find.

Back to the basic:

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