Thursday, April 7, 2011


At my home on Topaz Drive I have a yellow dog
But even he, in preciousness, is not the topic of this blog
Rather, now, I'll focus on his grandpa with two feet
That steady neighbor up the road, even good ol' Pete

Pete Hamill is a kind old man, in my neighborhood
And his soul is the essence of the essence of all good
And every day he'd walk his dog right around our block
Passing our house without fail each day at 3 o' clock

For he would walk Jasper- or most times Jasper would walk him
For Pete did plod like Pluto and Jasper'd jump like Tiny Tim
I'd sometimes talk to them when I would go and get the mail
And they both would greet me with a smile- and the wag of a happy tail

And sometimes I'd be stretching, to go out on a run
Without fail he'd say something and tell me to have fun
And off I'd go, and blow past him, without a second thought
Never considering him or the physical wars he's fought

He is old now, but I think back then he was all but calm and slow
I bet when he would run it would be like one constant flow
So hearing now the echo of those words as I'd take off
I learn the lesson to keep going- you can't ever get enough

Sometimes while they were walking I would drive on past
And Pete would wave to me so slow, though I was going fast
I see know that the happiness in taking time to greet
Is something that brings joy to more than just one soul like Pete

You might think that people stay inside when it gets cold
Especially those bald walkers who are actually kind of old
But no, think again, when considering my friend Pete Hamill
Even in the winter, he'd walk up and down those hills

Pete and Jasper, Jasper and Peter, the regulars everyone knows
The consistency of the owner is the main point of this prose
For everyday Pete would take that dog out for his walk
To think he does it still brings me not a single shock

Though it should-and now you see, Pete's plod is getting slower
He doesn't respond like he once did to the tugging on his shoulder
For years he'd follow Jasper round, even if it was quite slow
Simply cus he loves his dog and his dog just loves it so

Topaz Drive still sees them, now they're a tamer pair
Jasper has calmed down- but they still have a wave to spare
Instead of tugging like when he was young, Jasper walks next to Pete
And Pete still walks the block, his dog's desire to always meet

The lesson here that I'll point out 'bout this tender soul
Is Pete is one who always gave his love to others in whole
Walking is hard, when you are old, and your dog is a jumpy pup
But when it comes to serving others, you just keep it up!

For one day when you are walking the familiar block of service
People will see you and recognize something they never noticed
You are out there everyday with the sick, afflicted, and hungry
Even if it means walking in the cold- you've been making someone happy

And after awhile they'll look again and tears will spring to their eyes
You'll teach them a lesson Pete taught me about selfless sacrifice
You see, when you walk that road, others tugging with demands
You sometimes give your own will up and do as He commands

Mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need
And later something will happen-miraculous indeed
Eventually those tugging souls whose service you did provide
Will--like Jasper did for Pete--slow, and walk by your side.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Boldly Going= Bolding

This past summer I was a wandering little soul who knew nothing about how to be in the non-freshman college world, but I was fortunate to be associated with an older sister who luckily had many friends that kindly took me under their wings and showed me the ropes. One of these said souls stands at about my height but is seriously a giant in sociability, talents, spiritual growth, intelligence, innovation, humor, and purely defined friendship.

Joshua Bolding!

Here is an ABC's for Josh, who I sincerely cherish above most other people here. (Warning: Josh is one of those souls for whom I know a blog spotlight will ever do justice, but it must be done)

A: Athletic haha (except at Bocce Ball and laser tag!)
B: Bold- quite fitting for Bolding. If he gets an idea, he will boldly pursue it.
C: Confident and competitive. Like, extremely.
D: Dedicated
E: Enduring
F: Feisty
G: Genuine. Not one thing about Josh is fake or a facade and he expects the same of everyone else and appreciates those who are genuine.
H: HIlarious
I: Innovative
J: Judges soundly
K: Kind. Seriously, like some people use this term loosely to describe anyone who smiles, but Josh really is like really truly a KIND person. I've never felt so cared for
L: Laughter! hhahaha just laugh with Josh and you won't be able to stop
M: Mexican. And proud of it.
N: No-crap policy. Josh won't put up with it.
O: Opinionated
P: Personable. Josh gets what he wants 97% of the time because he is personable
Q: Quiet observer. Which is why, originally, I think he was friends with Charina. They're both those that quietly observe but when the bond is formed they're right in there with the rest of the crowd laughing and making jokes and shniking.
R: Reflective. I've heard Josh tell stories that make me know he really thinks about himself and what he's experienced and then applies those lessons to what he's doing now, which is what real wisdom is all about
S: Shnike! Hahaha One of my downfalls is kind of poking fun at people and when I am with Josh it is all too easy to do that
T: TESTIMONY OF A GIANT. Listen to this guy talk about the gospel and his testimony of it, and you will be inspired and immediately have a greater desire yourself to be better.
U: Unfailing. Josh doesn't fail a lot, which is good, cus he doesn't like it.
V: Vigor. Or passion, some might say. In every cause to which he is devoted, he gives his full measure
W: Writer. Josh wrote all the basketball articles fall semester and they were great!
X: X-centric? He is pretty weird haha
Y & Z: these last two are going to be too hard to think of appropriate words without stretching too much, so i will just finish by saying Josh is also dear becuase he has distinct forearms and eyebrows (perpetually like this: / \) and he has taught me much about how to serve other people and never give up and be COMPLETELY real and just genuine to all that know me--none of this fake stuff. He has an astounding understanding of the gospel and incredible activeness in being SELFLESS all the time. And on the other hand of all these righteous components, Josh is feisty and shnikey and hilariously good at poking fun at people and all of these things are wonderfully endearing.

Thanks, Char, for leaving me with such a good friend!

Friday, February 11, 2011

This is a Spotlight of Running

The first time I saw LaDon Ray Linde Jr., he was coming up an escalator in the Denver Airport and he had on a pinstripe suit and long pointy shoes and I thought he looked pretty suave like and weird. We drove out of the airport where an African man took our parking ticket and the booth where he sat had his name on it and it said something like Lnagoiduren and LaDon made a comment on what a crazy name it was and I said, "At least it's not LaDon!"

We've been friends ever since!

LaDon grew up on a dairy farm and has a degree in accounting and married my sister in 2007 after knowing her for like 3 months or something, but I know few other happier couples in this world. He is tall and walks like a Mexican runner and has the deepest, loudest, ever moving voice, and talks about the gospel, and laughs, and makes hilariously inappropriate jokes and tells stories and listens and respects people and is a good father. He is the best. Here are some stories about running, one of the reasons I feel I am so bonded to LaDon.

One time LaDon and I went running in Provo and it was late at night and he just kept dashing through all the red lights and running into trashcans becuase he was all about moving and not stopping. Taught me how to be an aggressive runner in Provo.

Another Provo run occurred when my family was in town for Spring Break and LaDon met me at the hotel really early and we went running on the Provo River trail and I was telling him about one of my friends who was struggling and he was a good listener. Then he had a meeting and we were on the wrong side of the fence to get home so we just hopped it. LaDon is a good haver of adventures.

On New Year's a few years ago we all ran this race and LaDon was DETERMINED to run the 10k with me and all that jazz and so I was all excited and we got started and we're running and the first 3/4 of the race is all uphill and so it was hard and it was altitude and LaDon made it like halfway, pounding his feet, breathing hard, and yelling to everyone around how glorious it was that we were running, until he couldn't anymore and just told me to go ahead. It was a valiant effort on his part, but....

it just inspired him to do better! so he ran and we signed up for the Provo Half Marathon. It ws so funny becuase I came in town to run it and we were registering the night before and there was pizza in the trashcan and we ATE IT! Hahah it was so funny. Anyway, next day, half marathon, and LaDon beat me by a good 2 minutes! It was awesome.

So then he ran and I ran and he moved to California. I went and visited him and we ran these stairs that were SO crazy and LaDon ran them so fast and so good, and it killed me!

Also, one time we ran up this hill with this baby carriage and it was one of the hardest runs I've ever done.

One of the best running moments was when I finished my first marathon, LaDon came and watched and afterwards I just laid on the ground and rested my little body and there was LaDon, just laying on the ground next to me just completely dead and lolling around like he had just finished a marathon too, except he kept saying, "Krista. We got to run one of these someday. Me and you, next time, Krista." It was so funny, even in my extreme fatigue, I was just laughing at LaDon in my head and assuring him that yes, we would run one together someday. And I know we will because we are bonded running souls.

One time I was running and I was thinking about LaDon and I remembered this time that amidst one of our usual discussions about the gospel (which LaDon initiated, of course) he asked me what I thought something meant and I had no idea so I threw something out there and he just bluntly told me that it was completely wrong and hahah then i was scared to answer anymore questions, but it was honestly a very good, humbling experience for me. I wish more people were like LaDon when i said wrong things, or I would always go around thinking I was right and that is certainly not true.

The point of all that is I love LaDon. He is so cool and so kind and so blunt and so funny and so loud and so perfect for my sister Jamie. I like LaDon because he honestly cares about and for people, but he won't baby them. He makes them think for themselves and tough it out, but with the assurance that he's there for some good sound advice. He knows the church is true and shares that with everyone. And he's a goofball, which makes any moment fun. I am very glad LaDon is in my family and my closest circle of friends.

Even if his name is LaDon.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lola Snively!

Today my roommate Elise was drawing a flower and it made me think of how in my childhood I knew a man who was an artist and he drew all of his pictures based entirely around music components (ie he would draw a rose bud by first turning a treble clef upside down and loosening its ends to creat the swirl and leaves of the rose.) Anyway, really ingenious guy. He was married to my second grade teacher, which made me realize how humble and quaint a lifestyle they live, which reminded me oh so dearly of said teacher, Mrs. Lola (ann?) Snively.

(For the record, she actually popped randomly into my head twice today. I knew a spotlight was imminent)

I can sincerely trace my love for all things eccentric, all humor quirky, all brain exercises effective, all songs unknown, and all love unfeigned back to Mrs. Snively.

Every morning she would sing a song with us. Lollipop Tree, 12 Days of Christmas, America the Beautiful, you name it. She knew it.

She used to spank us on our birthdays! hahah! And in such odd ways, it was so funny.

She is the master of odd voices and character impersonations. And I know it wasn't just my little child mind that was entertained by anything; she really was good.

She had themed days (Sandwich, watermelon, Christmas Around the World, etc) which were all AWESOME!

One day "Amelia Bedelia" came to our class (it was really her dressed up) (We didn't know that) (Or at least pretended not to) and she was pulling some Amelia Bededlia joke about stars and she put her hands on my shoulders and said, "This one looks like a star!" It honored me so greatly. She didn't need to be Amelia to do that, though.

She forced me to overcome a very daunting fear of times tables and learn all my multiplication facts.

Speaking of learning, she had the most creative ways to foster such an activity. One such way was gum books: do the problems within, get a piece of gum!

Can creativity be learned? I don't know, but it can definitely be taught, and she did so for me.

When I think of Mrs. Snively, I think of this crazy, wide-eyed, lady with big classes and bouncy, curly, brown hair waving on top of her head with knobby fingers pointing and dancing in my face, plaid, pleated skirts trailing behind as she hopped from one end of the classroom to the other, telling fantastic tales of umbrellas on buses and teddy bears with friends. I think of kind-hearted sincerity and light-hearted humor, good and wholesome dedication to others and other dedication to all things good and wholesome. I think of fun and life and laughter; wisdom and truth and comfort. And I think of the classmates with me who were graced by her influence and touched by her very obvious care and love, each one of them somewhere in the world, that much better off for the lady who taught us to

stand in straight lines
respect our elders
laugh every moment
do our own work
learn to think better
be quiet in quiet times
be loud when we could
care for each other
make everything fun
read good stories
and love life,


Mrs. Snively.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Most Inspiring

The Becars are one of those families from 11th ward that I am destined to be tied to forever because we knew each other since nursery. My favorite Becar (though they are all stellar) is Amy Becar! She has one of the most distinct souls in the world, and is happy about it.

A- Authentic. One of Amy's greatest qualities is she will never ever wear a facade and what you see is what you get and 100% of the time you will like it simply becuase it is so REAL.

M- Musically on top of the world. Amy was the ward organist and played all the time for stake events (can you say daunting!?) with perfection. She also played at least 3 of the 5 days in seminary. I think she even played the flute?

Y- Young at heart. If you want to see submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Father seeth fit to inflict upon her, see Amy Becar. Besides all that childlikeness, she is always ready for fun.

B-Brilliant! Seriously, talk about intelligence. Amy's got it.

E- Eccentric. This spotlight wouldn't be complete without it. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like Amy, including her sense of humor, which is admittedly quite odd, but it is one of those shining components that makes Amy so loveable and Amyish! One time we were talking about having to go to the bathroom on top of Pikes Peak and she mentioned the threat of bystanding marmots? hahahah it was so funny.

C- Christlike. Amy is one of the most humble people I know. She is always subservient and kind, willing to do things for others, and happy to help with a smile. No assignment will go unaccomplished when given to Amy.

A-AWE-INSPIRING. Amy joined the cross country team my junior year and though I was nothing but excited, in the back of my mind I hoped that she would make it ok. Make it ok? Psssh! Amy rocked EVERY practice and EVERY meet, always finishing strong and giving it her all. She completed a half marathon and inspired me to do so (which changed my life, thank you, Amy!) She became something of a mascot for our team because she inspired all of us to just keep going and working hard and giving our best to the very end. She still runs like a maniac and I am inspired to do better every time I think of her.

R-Righteous. In two senses. Yes, she is a faithful member of the church with a strong testimony and firm belief and understanding of the Savior and her relationship with him. And yes, she is laid back and chill like the turtles on Finding Nemo- "Righteous!"

Nothing could be better! Amy's enduring nature nurtures endearing affection I have for her becuase she is one of a kind. If you don't know Amy, go out of your way to do so. She will teach you the most important lessons about giving nothing less than your very best and doing so with a smile and some quirky joke on the side.

Friday, January 14, 2011

It Is Time.

There is a handful of people I am always hesitant to spotlight because a blog post (or little else, for that matter) will ever do them justice. But now I must. Love and admiration has overcome me too much for this person for her to not get some sort of spotlight somewhere becuase she is just so so dear. I'm not holding back, so get over the longness. She deserves it all.

Elise McAllister.

The Basics:
Silky orange hair. Don't forget the natural blond streak in the back.
Pristine skin. Only pimple she's ever gotten was the one she HAD to get becuase all the rest of us had a pimple in the same place and we are too bonded for her to not get one too.
Squinty eyes. Quality eye make-up.
Big smile.
Loud laughter.
Distinct walk.

Things you can find out in a normal conversation:
She loves birds!
She makes practical decisions. You know how I love practical people.
She is wise.
Financially organized.
Family and Consumer Science Major (and though hesitant, proud of it!)
Texas Pride. She wears her texas shirts as religiously as i wear my pikes peak shirts.
Movie Quoter
Loves her family. Oldest of 6 girls, age range of 20 years.
Writing a missionary in Brazil who she dated in high school, but she mostly just has pure appreciation for him.
Dating an Alaskan who is kind and funny. She really likes him.

Things you can find out if you live with her:
She hacks into the sink often.
She loves oatmeal.
Professional maker of FCBs.
Messy and dirty but good at cleaning and working.
Good at making sure everyone does their chores by making charts
Loves bras. When they aren't on her.
Loves Japanese food.
Loves her family.
Good shopper. Lise will be a good mom becuase she shinkes clearance and coupons.
She hahaha doesn't mind being blunt about people's souls. or to their souls. It got us out of many rough situations more than once.
She is a scheduler and a cleaner and an organizer and good at it all.

Things I will now reveal to you that you only find out if you sleep in the bed next to her:
She has a good relationship with her mom.
She works to have an even better relationship with her dad.
Loves her family. Like really. People talk about their families. People love their families. But Lise really does and hers is so dynamic, but from the different Rachel to the young Emily to the still growing Brooklyn to the ditzy Nicole to the talkative Lauren, she tends to each of them lovingly and has nothing but their welfare at the core of her heart. She is the perfect older sister, often reminding me of my own oldest sister who i love so much for the qualities she exhibited that Elis also has.
Sees right through people. hahah I love that about Elise.
Has struggled. and come out the conquereror becuase she is stronger than trials.
Is tricky. hahah. so sly, the little credit-carding,feisting, shinking lil booger.
Pays debts.
Forgives debtors.
Loves sugar and eats it often.
Cares about me. Elise is the first to congratulate me on my successes and always always always listens to my never ending, mostly nonsensical babbling.
Also, she is very good at entertaining my pointless and random questions.
PATIENT! no doubt about it.
Elise has a BOYFRIEND, the coveted, always wanted prize of every girl at BYU, the prize that once a girl gets it, her roommates are so happy for her they are ok with her going off and galavanting with him all the time and that's how it goes and everyone is ok with that, but Elise is so pure, she feels bad for leaving us behind when she goes with her boyfriend! Seriously, that'show pure her show of friendship is.
Up for adventures, and if she's not, she will say she is and then bring laughter the whole way
Doesn't let go of old friendships. I like that about Lise. a lot of people are inclined to just let go of the people they grew up with, but not Lise. She stays in contact with those people, which is cool.
Can't help making fun of people (which is a good pairing for me haha)
Gets frustrated when she can't serve as fully as she would like.
Has a good relationship with Christ.
Cracks every bone in her body every morning and night and lots of times in between.
Sleep talks.
Likes Wendy's. But doesn't mind spending extra to really get some good food.
A good updater of facebook.
Runs! lise runs! She wants to be better, and so she tries hard and I love that.
hahah more than once I have come home to her butt in the air while she is doing yoga in our room. haha.
Feels fat in sweats.
Tells good stories about her childhood. haha.
Has a playlist of probably the same 38 songs which will forever trigger memories of her.
Watches House, Glee, and 24 while folding laundry.
More than I ever expected to be. Lise is a bookcase, and that's why I like her. I am ALWAYS finding little trinkets on her hidden shelves I would have never guessed were there but am always pleasantly surprised to find.

Back to the basic:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mr. Mac!

Pikes Peak Ascent
Running everywhere
Homemade candy canes
Family values
Button-up shirts
Friendly eyes
Precious wife
Honey bees/wine
Extreme runner
Tolerant of rough authority
Respectful to deserving authority
Patience with slow learners
Flexibility for fast learners
Stellar teacher
Understands meaning of respect; gives it and expects it
Good story teller
Ultra Marathoner
Easy going
Cherisher of fondness

I must say there are only 2 reasons I really would go back to Doherty after having left: Mr. Gigliotti and Mr. Mac.

I must say there are 2 reasons I am a crazy runner the way I am: Coach Schwartz and Mr. Mac

I must say there are (mostly only) 2 reasons why I am happy to be friends with whoever comes along: Sarah Griggs and Mr. Mac

I must say there is only one reason why I love chemistry and hate all other science, want to keep running the Ascent forever, have confidence that I can be better than I think, and am willing to do something crazy and shake it off if it goes wrong, and that one reason is